Kinder Community
Click on the link to download PDFs that you can do at home!
The link will take you to online resources including instructional TV broadcasts aligned to Georgia's state standards!
Mental Health Awareness Resources for Children
Resources In Response to Shootings
Assisting Parents/Caregivers in Coping with Collective Traumas
Creating Supportive Environments When Scary Things Happen (En Espanol)
Helping Teens with Traumatic Grief: Tips for Caregivers (En Español)
Helping School-Age Children with Traumatic Grief: Tips for Caregivers (En Español)
Helping Young Children with Traumatic Grief: Tips for Caregivers (En Español)
The Power of Parenting: How to Help Your Child After a Parent or Caregiver Dies
Once I Was Very Very Scared – children’s book for young children
Health Care Toolbox—website for pediatric health providers working with injured children
After the Injury—website for families with injured children
Pause-Reset-Nourish (PRN) to Promote Wellbeing (En Español) (for responders)
Book List to Promote Racial Equity in Classrooms
First Book Resources:
Resources to Talk to Children and Youth about Racism
America’s Promise released a statement including resources, research, and a list of national youth-serving organizations
An age-by-age guide on talking to kids about racism, from infants/toddlers to teens/tweens
Camara Jones TedTalk on allegories on race and racism
List of young children's books to support conversations on race, racism, and resistance
MENTOR, the national mentoring partnership, has released:
A guide for adults supporting and serving young people who are navigating violence and trauma
Resources for adults working alongside boys and young men of color
Online modules for adults exploring their own biases and understanding of race and identity
Teaching Tolerance has resources across age ranges, including these robust, ready-to-use classroom lessons offering breadth and depth, spanning essential social justice topics, and reinforcing critical social emotional learning skills.
The Afterschool Alliance provides resources for understanding and responding to incidents of bias
More Resources on Different Topics:
Color to Count - a coloring book featuring illustrations by African-American artists to raise awareness of the 2020 Census
Pre-K Roadmap to Reading for Families & Teachers
Looking to Get Involved Locally?
Check out our Volunteer page for more options!
Covington FUMC Food Ministry is looking for volunteers! Check them out on Facebook for the schedule AND more info!
Newton Mentoring Program is looking for volunteers!