Laura Bertram, Executive Director
Laura has 39 years’ experience in nonprofit executive management and 13 years with prevention strategies, evaluation and collaboration. She is a participant with 2 strategic planning teams: the Newton County Board of Commissioners and the Newton County Board of Education. Laura sits on the Advisory Board for the Newton County Resource Courts addressing mental health, substance abuse and veterans services; and is chair of the leadership cabinet for the Newton County Complete Count Census 2020 Committee. Ms. Bertram serves on the advisory board of Newton Mentoring, Inc. and Georgia Piedmont Technical College’s Advisory Board for Early Childhood Care and Education.
Mollie Melvin, Program Director
Mollie has over 30 years of experience delivering prevention programming, with 15 of those spent directing early literacy programs for families with children ages birth to five. She spearheaded the formation of the Newton County Family Literacy Coalition in 2007 as part of the Certified Literate Community Program. Ms. Melvin serves as Chair of the Newton County Drug Free Coalition and the Early Childhood Care and Education Cohort. She serves on Newton County Schools’ Career, Technical, Agricultural Education Advisory Board and chairs the Georgia Piedmont Technical College Early Childhood Care and Education Advisory Board. She directs Hands On Newton, NCCP’s volunteer management program and sits on the steering committee for GSU/Perimeter College’s Academic Community Engagement initiative.